Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pretty spring fabric! - Glam Garden

How have I never heard of this so so pretty line of fabric?! I stumbled upon it from this True Up blog post this morning. Love True Up BTW! It's a guest post/giveaway from Josephine Kimberling. So then I checked out her collection, Glam Garden and her Twitter page, Facebook page, blog, etc! Her fabrics are so beautiful, and just what I was looking for as insiration for Melody's 1st birthday theme. I knew I wanted a colorful spingy flowery thing, and now I have somethin gto make her a dress from! I heart fabric designers!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Fabric Easter Basket - SO cute!

I googled fabric Easter basket, and this is what I found! It's so cute. My search led me right to the Modo Bake Shop blog, and I was pleasantly surprised to see lots of tutorials (recipes)! There is a 'how to' for this basket. Check it out!

They have the cutest fabric Easter eggs too. I would like to say I would make this, but I don't think I have the time, and will probably end up in the Target dollar bin for our Easter basket. Let me know if anyone tries this!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Melody - 9 months!

I haven't really figured out the purpose of my blog. It's not a full fledged sewing, family or mommy blog. Until I figure it out, it will just be what it is. These pictures I want to share of Melody. They were very random when I took them, but love how they show her real expressions. Melody at 9 months!


Melody loves her big brother, and Louie loves any attention he can get!